A Chronicle Of My Experiences Living Abroad

A Chronicle Of My Experiences Living Abroad: December 2013

December 17, 2013

Winding down the year

Is 2013 really almost over?  In the last week or so, I've been quite busy networking with some new folks, catching up with the old, and preparing for our trip to India. Not surprisingly, I've even planned out our 2014 trips already. Hubs and I will be spending Christmas and New Years in India this year. Since 2009, we've been away for every Christmas except last year because of the obvious and our pack out was happening on Boxing day. I was determined to stay put in Vienna for our first Christmas abroad, but a friend invited us to his wedding and we just couldn't pass it up.

India was never on my travel list of must-dos. It never appealed to me. For the first time, I'm going somewhere that is really foreign to me.  I'm going to a wedding and will get to see the Taj Mahal. Everything else will be an adventure to say the least. I'm excited that I will experience getting a Sari custom fitted, witness a traditional wedding, and also seeing some of the famous sights of India. But I'm also scared of the unknown. So, maybe, the most foreign and unknowing trip will be the most unforgettable.

Stayed tuned for blog posts on India in the new year.

December 10, 2013

Christmas in Vienna (Part Two)

I got my first taste of  Christmas markets during our annual trips to NYC. Bryant Park and Columbus Circle were amongst my favorite spots. This year is our first Christmas markets experience here in Vienna. It has definitely lived up to its reputation for being world famous. You can't even compare the ones here with the ones in NYC. It's not like one is better than the other, they're just entirely different. We've quickly narrowed down our favorites and have gone back plenty of times. Hubs has become a huge fan of the punsch and glühwein- our mug collection can attest to that! With only a week and half before we leave (again), and not returning until the new year, we will certainly be taking advantage of more Christmas market hopping between now and then. If people don't mind the cold, this an awesome time of year to visit. Just make sure you bundle up and be prepared to empty out your pockets at market vendors.

Our 2013 Christmas mug collection

December 8, 2013

Familiar Faces

We had our first visitors from the States this week. Hubs and I had a fabulous time having familiar faces around and showing them our new hometown. We hit all the touristy spots and even saw some new things that we've been saving to see with our guests.  Hubs and I even got to spend a few hours with my in-laws who were in town for a day on a Danube river cruise. I can't believe the week flew by so quickly. In true fashion, I am horrible with good-byes and having Hubs send our guests to the airport as he heads back to work tomorrow. This was a much needed visit to aid the homesickness blues I'd been feeling after returning from Taiwan. I miss these fine folks already...

December 1, 2013

Christmas in Vienna (Part One)

I've said previously how magical Vienna is at night, but during the weeks leading up to Christmas- this city takes it to a whole new level. Even with temperatures at or below freezing, it's worth bundling up and walking around the city to see all the lights and markets. More on the markets in a later post. After getting back from Taiwan, I had the case of the "I want to go back and don't want to be here" blues. And from what I gather, any expat who goes "home" for a visit has a form of this when they get back to their adopted country. It's quite normal.

And with my adopted city looking like this, it's not that hard to get out of my funk and truly enjoy this joyous time. Afterall, Vienna is world famous during this season.